Tuesday 16 July 2013

Securing FB : How to protect Facebook Account from Not being Hacked

Protect Facebook from Hackers

Facebook has over 850 Million users world wide, and it plays very social role in day to day life activities like connecting with friends, sharing photos, Videos, Updating one's Status,poking others, watching funny things, playing games, contests and etc were on and on and on...,

So it is also important to one from being from protecting their facebook account from the hackers.

Below are few steps from preventing your facebook account from hackers, other users:

Use Secure Browsing:

On the Top right click on the downarrow button and click on Account settings.

 Now Click on Security Tab, and Secure Browsing.

 Enable the Browse Facebook Secure Connection, and save.

Now Click on Login Notifications and enable Notify options.

 Also look at the App Settings on the left side, where you might give permissions to unauthorized users.

 Use Strong Passwords like combination of Specialcharcters,Numbers,alphabets. 

 Do change the password once in a month.

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